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Rembrandt Frerichs
Pianist / componist
Pianist / componist

“One of the Delft Chamber Music festival” de Volkskrant wrote about pianist and composer Rembrandt Frerichs (1977)…one couldn’t hope for a better recommendation.
Rembrandt’s music is well known for it’s fresh perspective. Touring around the world as a performing-composer / composing-performer, Rembrandt shares with his audiences the joy of bringing brand new music to the podium. On the concerts, much like Mozart and Beethoven did in their times, Rembrandt uses improvisation as an ingredient to engage the listener, making every concert a unique one.
Other musicians have picked up what Rembrandt pursues at his concerts and have invited the composer to compose for them as well, like Liza Ferschtman, Mahan Esfahani, the Nederlands Kamer Orkest, Dominic Seldis, Cello 8tet and Holland Baroque, to name a few.
Festival for contemporary music November music, asked Rembrandt to compose the closing concert of the festival, bringing together the classical Cello 8ctet, his jazz trio and Iranian living legend Hossein Alizadeh on Shurangiz.
Both in 2007 and 2014 his albums were nominated for the Dutch Grammy Awards.
His music has been used for theatre plays in Japan, dance productions in Germany and a handful of TV documentaries and films.