The Stiftfestival offers a musical experience of international top quality. The program combines music with other cultural forms such as song, literature, art and dance. Historic churches and estates in the beautiful Twente scenic landscape form the backdrop to this annual nine-day festival.

Our ambition is that a large and diverse audience experiences pleasure, emotion and inspiration through this total experience of music, culture, landscape and nature.
The festival works with volunteers and freelancers. The board is unpaid and acts in accordance with the principles of the Cultural Governance code.
Who we are

Artistic direction
Daniel Rowland
Business management
Ilonka van den Bercken
Björn Jansen, Annemarie van Huet
Production team
Annemarie van Huet, artist management/ticketing Jurriaan Poesse | Irene de Haan, event managers Harold Snippert, head of technology Anne Bareman, transport coordinator Jessy Meiser, librarian Ineke Luberti | Marijke Klaas, volunteer coordination
Marketing & PR
Leontine Zantinge Faffie Melief, friends coordinator
Patrice van Riemsdijk – chairman Rodney Mooij – treasurer Meta Vaandrager Yasmin Hilberdink Jan Melief Marcel Wijnen
Mrs. Anny Blenken Bledenstein
Support us

Friend, Donor, Sponsor or legacy
You can support our Festival in various ways: as a Friend, Sponsor or through a legacy.
The Stift International Music Festival Foundation has the status of a cultural ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling).